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- Messer - the world's largest privately held specialist for industrial, medical and specialty gases
- Responsibility 2020
- Strategic integration of Corporate Responsibility 2020
- Sustainable business 2020
- The Messer Team 2020
- Safety & Health 2020
- Environmental & climate protection 2020
- Customer loyalty through innovation 2020
- Commitment to education & social justice 2020
- UN Goal 1 - No Poverty
- UN Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
- UN Goal 4 - Quailty education
- UN Goal 5 - Gender equality
- UN Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
- UN Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- UN Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production
- UN Goal 13 - Climate action
- UN Goal 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions
- Overview UN Goals
- Responsibility 2021
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022: Sustainable
- Responsibility
- About Messer
- Consolidated key figures 2023 of Messer
- Commitment to education & social justice 2022
- My career at Messer
- News
- Newsroom
- Media Library
- 125tories - der Messer Jubiläumspodcast
- Safety alert - Hazard of Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres
- 125ong
- Technical press articles
- Short description
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Responsibility 2020
- More than 40 years of economic history
- History
- Central phone numbers of Messer Group
- Messer NL
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- Elme Messer EE
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- Elme Messer UA
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- Contact Messer Group
- Site navigation
- Imprint Information
- Disclaimer
- Data protection statement - website
- Privacy notice for business contacts, business partners and customers
- General Terms and Conditions Messer Group GmbH
- Compliance Management System
- Central phone numbers of Messer Group
- g4l-test
- Privacy notice for job applications
- Privacy notice for job applications
- Corporate Responsibility
- Corporate Responsibility Strategy
- Safety & Health
- Weiterleitung Umweltschutz
- Experience through the years
- Education & Social Justice
- Corporate Responsibility Strategy
- Corporate Responsibility
- Registration confirmation
- House rules
- Home applications
- O společnosti
- Responsibility - reliable
- Contact formular
- Customer magazine
- Vitae