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Strategic integration of Corporate Responsibility 2023


Strategic integration of CR

Strategic integration of CR

Nested Applications

Strategic integration of Corporate Responsibility

Messer aligns itself with global economic, environmental and social climate and transition. 

In so doing, Messer acts sustainably and responsibly in both the business and social environment.

We allow ourselves to be measured against our own objectives, innovations and traditions, but also against overarching ambitions.

Above all, climate change is fundamentally changing the global conditions of coexistence and business. The associated effects are having a direct impact on people and companies. Societal goals are undergoing realignment, free-market economic conditions are being modified accordingly – including regulatory changes. This presents us with risks and opportunities: in the context of the energy transition, for example, Messer is helping its customers make important and necessary progress toward climate neutrality.

As companies, we respect and promote diversity in the composition of our international teams; this enables us to apply different strengths and ideas when developing and implementing new solutions.

Thinking and acting with the long term in mind, taking our social responsibility toward our employees and society seriously, measuring ourselves on our sustainable success – in this regard, these are both key features and fundamental strengths of our family business.

Sustainability commitments of the management 2021



Corporate Responsibility

UN Goals Corporate responsibility

  • UN Goal 1 - No poverty
  • UN Goal 2 - Zero hunger
  • UN Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
  • UN Goal 4 - Quality education
  • UN Goal 5 - Gender equality
  • UN Goal 6 - Clean water and sanitation
  • UN Goal 7 - Affordable and clean energy
  • UN Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
  • UN Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • UN Goal 10 - Reduced inequalities
  • UN Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
  • UN Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production
  • UN Goal 13 - Climate action
  • UN Goal 14 - Life below water
  • UN Goal 15 - Life on land
  • UN Goal - Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • UN Goal - Partnerships for the goals