Safety & Health
Safety & Health
Nested Applications
Safety and health form an integral part of Messer’s business activities. Only a universal, well-organized Safety Management System enables the continuous improvement of operational processes and performance. Our goal is for our workforce and our customers to be accident-free.
Safety of our employees
Every year, we give a safety award to the national subsidiaries that have most effectively implemented the safety regulations in order to encourage our employees to remain as mindful as possible. In 2019, Messer reported 44 industrial accidents with loss of working hours. The rate of loss of employee working time per million hours worked (accident frequency rate) was 2.0. The number of working days lost per million hours worked (industrial accident severity rate) was 45.6. We registered 97 reportable industrial accidents; the frequency rate of reportable industrial accidents per million hours worked was 4.3. There were no fatalities among Messer’s workforce last year.
International Safety Day 2019
The annual International Safety Day was held in September 2019 at all Messer locations. The companies in Europe focused on work safety through operative discipline, because many accidents occur as a result of habit or indifference. The day featured various programs: In Germany, there was an additional guest presentation entitled “Healthy work in a digital world.” Messer in Hungary supplemented Safety Day with a Health Day: A sleep expert gave a talk on sleep habits and the team gained insights into the exciting world of yoga. Study materials and a discussion on safety at work raised the awareness of Messer employees in Serbia and Montenegro. There were also many improvement suggestions and discussions on the topic of work safety at Messer in Switzerland. Messer employees throughout the Americas gathered for their first Safety Day to reinforce their continuous commitment to safety as top priority and core value. At all locations – from Stewartsville to São Paolo and from Montreal to Medellin – teams discussed the value of “safety mindfulness” that involves paying attention to one another and concentrating on the safe execution of the work at hand.
Safety Awards
European safety awards from EIGA
At its Summer Session 2019 at the end of May in St. Julian’s, Malta, the European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA) presented safety awards to Messer for exemplary occupational safety:
Messer Energo Gaz (Romania) was awarded the “Gold Star Safety Award” for 20 consecutive years without a lost workday injury accident at its acetylene plant in Mintia. Messer Slovnaft (Slovakia) received a “Gold Safety Award” for 15 years of accident-free work at its Vlcje Hrdlo site.
Messer Ibérica de Gases (Spain) was awarded a “Silver Safety Award” for ten consecutive years of accident-free work at the production site of the air separation unit in El Morell.
Messer France (France) received a “Bronze Safety Award” for five consecutive years without an accident at the Suresnes site.
Messer Hungarogáz (Hungary) was honored with the “Road Safety Award 2018” for the lowest accident rate in the Bulk Vehicles category based on an annual fleet mileage of from 1 to 5 million kilometers.
Zsolt Bohner, Managing Director of Messer Hungarogáz receives the "Road Safety Award 2018" from EIGA President Ivo Bols.
Spain – FEIQUE award for safety
Messer Ibérica, Spain, received the FEIQUE safety award for the seventh time. Companies or production centers in the chemical industry with more than 50 employees earn this award from FEIQUE by going the entire year without a reportable lost time injury accident. Messer Ibérica has been operating the ASU in Vilaseca without lost time injury accidents for the past 16 years and has been operating the ASU in El Morell and the filling plant in Alicante without lost time injury accidents for the past 10 years.
China – Award for safe production
In 2019, the Chinese Messer company Sichuan Meifeng Messer Gas Products Ltd. (“MMG”) in Sichuan Province was recognized by the government with an award for safe production. In 2018, MMG received the 2018 “Advanced Production Safety Unit award” for outstanding performance in training, accident prevention and safety.
Safety of our customers
In 2019, the companies of the Messer Group including Western Europe held a combined total of 1,452 customer safety seminars, which were attended by 4,392 people in all. The facilities operated at our customers’ sites underwent technical inspections an average of 1.07 times and they underwent safety audits an average of 0.15 times. The 2020 fiscal year will mark the first time that the corresponding data will be available for Messer in North and South America. In 2019, we reissued our “Pocket Safety Guide” brochure series. It provides information about the safe transport and handling of gas cylinders, the safe transport of dry ice, and the content of gas cylinders.
Safety of our logistics and vehicles
In the logistics area we work with internationally applicable safety measures and continuously exchange information to improve our safety performance. The transport of gases carries major risks. For that reason, the Messer Group signed the Road Safety Charter and has committed itself to placing a special focus on the area of transportation safety. In addition to the statutory regulations governing the operation of a fleet of vehicles, Messer’s own transportation safety concept has proven effective. Messer employs external carriers to transport our gases. The carriers are responsible for training their drivers in accordance with the ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road). At the Messer Group including the Western European companies, six avoidable accidents
occurred while transporting our cylinder gases in 2019 (versus nine in the previous year). That means the rate declined from 0.41 to 0.28 accidents per million kilometers driven.
The number of avoidable accidents while transporting liquefied gases also fell from 14 (2018) to ten, thereby lowering the frequency rate per million kilometers driven from 0.19 in 2018 to 0.14 in 2019. The 2020 fiscal year will mark the first time that the corresponding data will be available for Messer in North and South America. We aim to reduce the number of accidents further by means of appropriate supplier management and driving training program. In addition, all drivers receive a driver’s manual specific to their work (bulk, cylinders or service vehicles). This ensures that all important information relating to their job is readily accessible. An on-board computer system with a focus on transport safety has been installed in most of our fleet throughout Europe since the end of 2019. In the future, we aim to improve transport efficiency further through even more detailed measurements. Messer specialists are actively involved in all relevant EIGA bodies and, to a large extent, in national associations too. The findings from that committee work are continuously incorporated into the driver’s manual and the driver training curriculum in order to improve transport safety. In this way, Messer is helping to achieve a steady reduction in the number of transport- related incidents.
UN Goals Safety & Health
Messer is a partner in the medical and pharmaceutical sector
Messer is active in the medical business in over 20 countries and provides services ranging from consultation on the delivery of medicinal gases or gases as medical devices to the planning, installation and maintenance of supply systems – a complete service package from a single source. Medical accessories and consumables round out the offering. As a company that is also active in the pharmaceutical sector, Messer complies with all national, European and international regulatory requirements. For gases as medicinal products, this specifically includes the requirements of (European) Good Manufacturing Practice (EU-GMP) and the specifications of the European Pharmacopoeia. Our gases as medical devices comply with the Medical Device Regulation (EU 2017 / 745), the previously applicable Medical Device Directives, and the corresponding national laws. Internal audits, a standardized pharmacovigilance system, and validated procedures and computer systems ensure our product and supply quality.
New marketing authorizations for medicinal products and increasing marketing of medicinal products, medical devices and medline products
Once again in 2019, Messer expanded its existing product portfolio of medicinal gases and applied for new marketing authorizations for medicinal products. To that end, Messer’s own operating facilities are being qualified accordingly and the products are being independently authorized. The completion of the GMP work and the submission of the medicinal product dossiers for the first products will be completed by the end of 2020. Moreover, Messer continued to intensify its marketing of medicinal gases in 2019, especially for gases used in the treatment of heart disease or respiratory / pulmonary diseases, whereby significant further growth is also expected in 2020. In 2019, Messer continued its successful development as a complete service provider, thereby further increasing sales. Lastly, Messer maintained its existing Certificates of Conformity for medical devices in 2019 and expanded its portfolio of medline and pharmline products.
Spain – Gas supply for people with cerebral palsy
In the Province of Tarragona, the Spanish foundation “Fundació La Muntanyeta” supports people with cerebral palsy, in order to defend their rights and improve their quality of life. More than 100 people receive care in a school, a day care center and a dormitory. In 2019, Messer actively supported the construction of a day care center and additional dormitory rooms and provided a vacuum system and medical oxygen supply for all rooms. People with cerebral palsy often suffer from respiratory trouble. According to a concept from Messer, the supply system makes it possible to provide the healthcare in the room that the affected person occupies. They can remain in their own private space, and therefore in a comfortable environment, when they need medical assistance.
Colombia – Messer is the market leader in stationary and home care
The gases business of Messer in Colombia provides our customers the full breadth of medicinal gas solutions as well as specific offerings for the healthcare segment. In Colombia, Messer is the market leader for stationary and home care, supplies hospitals with medicinal gases and helps them develop their gas supply systems. Although the systems generally run only as far as the hospital rooms or operating rooms, in Colombia the supply is designed for the patients themselves. Along with the permanently installed infrastructure, Messer also supplies inhalers and ventilators as well as other accessories needed for the supply of medicinal gases or breathing air to individual patients. In so doing, Messer supports more than 36,000 people at home, who rely on additional oxygen to breath. In addition to gas in cylinders, most of them receive oxygen concentrators that filter oxygen from the surrounding air. Within the framework of its REMEO program, Messer also maintains six clinics of its own for some 350 people whose severe chronic respiratory diseases require continuous care. These facilities offer state-of-the-art care in a friendly, homelike environment. At the same time, this specialized form of care is less expensive for the health insurance system than conventional treatment in a hospital. Furthermore, the REMEO clinics house sleep laboratories for the treatment of nighttime respiratory disorders. In all, Messer employs some 1,200 nurses and caregivers in Colombia, who are specially trained and can develop their expertise considerably through their work with REMEO.
Healthcare programs for our employees
For many years now, Messer’s own facilities have been equipped with sport and relaxation areas for the employees to use. There is also a broad curriculum on offer with courses in relaxation and in specifically targeted fitness training. In addition, our companies provide various care and therapy options. The following projects, for example, are scheduled in 2019:
Czech Republic – Sport and relaxation for work
Health is about more than just medicine – a positive work environment is also important for one’s well-being. For that reason, Messer in the Czech Republic is furnishing its headquarters in Prague with a new break area that includes a kitchen, a rest zone and two telephone rooms. And the offices of the Czech joint venture MG Odra Gas in Ostrava-Vratimov have also been renovated and equipped with sport areas. With these investments, Messer in the Czech Republic is creating the right conditions for a satisfying, healthy workplace – and therefore also for a motivated, effective team.
Hungary – Company health insurance for all employees
Through its company health insurance fund, Messer Hungarogáz offers its employees the full range of private medical services. The high-quality healthcare services of Medicover are available to the employees in all medical areas, including examinations, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and hospital care. The agreement is supplemented by the full spectrum of emergency services throughout the capital city of Budapest. In this way, even in an emergency, employees and their families have ready access to high-quality medical services without waiting periods.
Messer-Gesellschaften engagieren sich vielfältig im Rahmen von Sportveranstaltungen, die der Förderung von Gesundheit, Selbstvertrauen und gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt dienen. Außerdem unterstützt Messer regelmäßig Organisationen, die im Dienst von Gesundheit und medizinischer Betreuung stehen, mit Spenden. Für das Jahr 2019 stehen beispielhaft folgende Projekte:
Social commitment to health
Messer companies are committed to a wide range of sporting events that promote health, self-confidence and social cohesion. Moreover, Messer provides regular support in the form of donations to organizations that promote health and medical care. The following projects, for example, are scheduled in 2019:
Germany – Christmas donation for children with cancer
Once again, this past year, Messer companies in Germany donated some 5,500 euros – profit from the sale of food, beverages and stainless-steel art – to the association “Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e.V.” (“Frankfurt Helps Children with Cancer”). November 2019 marked already the fifth time that Messer has organized a Christmas market on Messer Square at the corporate headquarters.
Spain – Sporty kids
In 2019, Messer started supporting the “Montbike Messer Kids” mountain bike club, where girls and boys from 5 to 14 years of age practice. They already have competed in mountain bike and cross-country races in Catalonia and other regions of Spain as well as in international competitions in France and Belgium. Three club members are already classified as Catalonian champions.
Switzerland – Promotion of disabled sports
For many years now, Messer in Switzerland has been supporting the association PluSport Behindertensport Schweiz. That commitment to the promotion of disabled sports in Switzerland was recognized once again in 2019.