The Messer-Team
The Messer-Team
Nested Applications
Diversity and equality
Diversity and equal opportunity are anchored in our mission statement. Our forward-looking and sustainable Human Relations policies ensure a level playing field for professional success, respect cultural differences, and promote interaction among each another. For Messer, diversity is essential to innovation and sustainable business success. Mutual trust and respect are the foundation of our corporate culture.
On December 31, 2019, Messer employed 11,063 people (126 of which are currently inactive employment). Women accounted for 29.5 % of this figure and the portion of female managers at the first and second levels of management was 26.2 %.
Our salaries are based on function, market, performance, education, experience and number of years of service, as well as any collective wage agreements or comparable collective wage agreements and adjustments for inflation. It goes without saying that our remuneration policy makes no distinction among genders.
Messer Team
Messer Group earns the Total E-Quality award
In 2019, the Messer Group was recognized for equal opportunity in personnel and organization policy for the first time by the non-profit association Total E-Quality Deutschland e.V. The Total E-Quality award is supported and recommended by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth as well as by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Among the 13 new award winners, only four earned the supplementary award for “Diversity” – and one of them is the Messer Group. It is valid for three years.
Made in Germany – Made by Diversity
In 2019, the Messer Group participated in the “Made in Germany – Made by Diversity” initiative, speaking out along with some 50 other German family-run businesses in favor of an open-minded attitude toward the outside world and against xenophobia.
Messer Group signs Diversity Charter
In November 2019, Stefan Messer signed the Diversity Charter, sending a signal of commitment to diversity and respect at Messer. The Diversity Charter is an initiative that promotes diversity in companies and institutions under the patronage of German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. In signing the charter, the Messer Group undertakes to create a respectful work environment that is free of prejudice, regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or ideology, disability, age or sexual orientation and identity of the employee. The signing falls within the scope of measures developed and implemented by the Diversity team in the context of the Diversity Management program.
Slovenia – Messer recognized as a family-friendly company
For seven consecutive years now, Messer in Slovenia has been part of the Family-Friendly Companies project, wherein we have implemented various activities designed to create optimal conditions for coordinating professional, family and private life. We concentrate primarily on families with children and develop opportunities for combining profession and family. Among other things, the children of employees are given the opportunity to travel together during school holidays.
Marcel Messer: Diversity @ Messer
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Satisfaction of our employees
In 2019, the average company service of our employees since they joined Messer was 9.8 years. Employee turnover was 10.7 %. Among employees of the Messer Group, including the Western European subsidiaries, we recorded an average of 4.3 lost workdays due to illness (excluding long-term illnesses). The 2020 fiscal year will mark the first time that the corresponding data will be available for Messer in North and South America. In the fourth quarter of 2019, Messer Americas initiated anew, semi-annual employee survey, in order to gather timely, in-depth findings and ensure the implementation of our mission and strategy. Approximately 45 % of the workforce of Messer Americas – more than 2,400 people – participated in the initial survey. These results will serve as a benchmark for the coming years. Starting from 2020, surveys will be conducted again in North and South America, in order to determine the needs and requirements of employees and to establish appropriate employee development programs.
Education, advanced training, know-how transfer
Messer is committed to the education and training of talented young professionals, who represent an important investment in the competitiveness and capability of our company. The training takes place at various locations, supplemented in part by multi-week assignments abroad. In 2019, the training quota at the Messer Group including the Western European subsidiaries was 0.6 %. The 2020 fiscal year will mark the first time that the corresponding data will be available for Messer in North and South America. For the employees of the Messer Group including the Western European subsidiaries, the local Human Resources departments address the need for advanced training within the framework of annual employee performance reviews and concrete continuing education plans. In 2019, employees received an average of 18.7 hours of training, which represents an average continuing education expenditure of 234 euros per employee. The 2020 fiscal year will mark the first time that the corresponding data will be available for Messer in North and South America. Open dialog and in-house transmission of expertise are important to us. That’s why we promote the establishment and maintenance of cross-regional and intercultural networks. In 2019, employees participated 8,369 times in site conferences or network meetings for strategic integration or know-how transfer. As an in-house concept for systematic employee development, the Academy Messer Group provided a wide range of training courses, both on technical topics and for the development of personal skills.
Education, advanced training, know-how transfer
Bosnia-Herzegovina – “Focus on Cylinder Gases” training completed
In February 2019, various departments of Messer in Bosnia-Herzegovina completed a training course developed by the Academy Messer Group. “Focus on Cylinder Gases” concentrated on the strategic improvement of marketing activities. The training course, which started in September 2018, consisted of six two-day workshops. On the first day, practical exercises were used to strengthen sales skills. The second day consisted of training on various subjects such as welding and cutting, medicine, special gases or the packaging of food under protective gases.
Application Engineering online platform – Messer Innovation Forum
February 2019 marked the launch of Application Engineering’s new online continuing education platform “Messer Innovation Forum”. It uses webinars to pass along application knowledge and is oriented toward customers, salespeople, sales managers, applications specialists and technicians. One objective is to transport the know-how from the individual fields to the national subsidiaries. The scope of training covers a broad spectrum and is regularly repeated – also according to individual need. This makes it possible to communicate specialized information quickly and cost-effectively, for example, in preparation for an upcoming customer visit. Additional benefits include reduced travel times along with fast, straightforward training for new employees. During the first two months of the program, the first webinars reached more than 250 participants.